Kelly Wiesehan - recipe feedback


Natalie: The enjoy gets a little lost at the end, try putting it before the picture. I like how you put time and yield under the first image. Ingredients looks good, maybe you could add a visual divider between ingredients and direction. Maybe your font weight could go up a little.
Lauren: You could try to bold some of the more important parts in the directions paragraphs. They are kind of chunky chunky so either do that or try to separate the paragraphs into more points.
Me: I am going to possibly bold my title and make it punchier. I am also going to consider ways to add a visual divider between Ingredients and Directions. Maybe it's just a black line or some dots, maybe another photo. I'm also going to find a way to integrate the Enjoy! I might not need it, or I can put it before the photo. I feel like there needs to be a more solid footer, so I'm going to think about that.